What is angle snapping?

 You're bound to come across terms that are difficult to understand when reading reviews of mice or looking at press packs for mice. One of these terms is 'Angle Snapping'. It's something you've heard about, but what exactly is it and why is it so bad?

Angle snapping explained

Modern computer mice are extremely precise. Even a basic office mouse can track movements with pixel-perfect precision, compared to trackballs from years past. A regular screen has thousands of pixels, but humans are not inherently perfect. Have you ever tried to draw a straight or perfect line? It's almost impossible to draw a straight line or a perfect circle unless you have practiced it a lot. This is true even if you're using a mouse. You can't draw straight lines in Paint if you don't have angle snapping. Angle snapping is a useful tool to help with this. Angle snapping can help you with that. The red lines have a few irregularities, while the lines on the white are almost straight. Depending on how the mouse is used, angle snapping intensity can vary.

Angle snapping is bad gaming

Gaming mice manufacturers go to great lengths to ensure that their sensors are perfect. It's not for nothing. You don't want software interfering in the way your mouse moves if you have pixel-perfect vision (something we all strive for). For example, if you make a quick swipe to your right with crosshairs and an enemy suddenly appears out of nowhere, you will want your micro corrections to be registered to ensure that your cursor lands on his head. Angle snapping can cause your mouse to think you want to draw straight lines. This could lead to it forming a line and causing you to miss the crucial headshot of the enemy's head. This is a very crude image that attempts to visually explain the concept. Although the angle snapping in this example is not too severe, it illustrates how a mouse should interpret its user's movements for gaming purposes. Modern gaming mice do not have angle snapping. This is because the sensors used in quality products are flawless and don't include performance-limiting corrections like angle snapping.

Also Read: What is Angle Snapping? Is It Good For Gaming


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