2 Best 140mm Case Fans to Purchase in 2022 [Buying Guide]

 2 Best 140mm Case Fans to Purchase in 2022 [Buying Guide]

Most people experience CPU throttling or frequent hangs of the system. This can cause system performance problems and can be very frustrating. The cooling fans can be used to cool the system. This will ensure that your system performs at its best. There are many fan sizes on the market, but 140mm is the most common. It can be difficult to choose the right model from the many available. This is because it takes a lot of time and research. We have done the research for you and found the top 140mm case fans that are well worth your investment.

Guide to Buying the Best 140mm Case Fans

The technology is improving and the components of computers are becoming more advanced. This results in increased speed and power consumption. This causes your system to heat up more quickly. The motherboard will experience problems if the heat exceeds the threshold. This will cause the system to perform less well. This is simply a sign that your system isn't performing to its maximum potential. To dissipate the heat generated by your system, you need a cooling fan installed. This will ensure that your system runs smoothly. We have listed everything you need to consider when choosing the best 140mm case fans.

The size of the fan: These fans come in different sizes. Most popular sizes of fans are 120, 80 and 200 mm. 140 mm fans are also available. Because they have large blades and circulate air at lower speeds than normal, 140mm fans are very popular. They also make less noise than other fans.

Type of Power Connection: You will also need to consider the type of power connector. A 4-pin connector is the most common. The 3-pin connector will work just fine, but will only use three pins.

Fan Speed: This is the speed at which the fan moves in revolutions per minute. The fan's speed determines its performance. A large fan should run at a low RPM, making no noise.

Type of Bearing: There are three types of bearings. There are three types: hydrodynamic, ball and sleeves. The Hydrodynamic bearing is self-lubricating, and the most durable. The same goes for ball bearings. It is more loud and lasts longer.

Air Flow: The next thing you need to check is the speed of the fan. It is expressed in cubic feet per minute. This indicates how much air your fan pushes per hour.

Best 140mm Case Fan

Now that you are familiar with all features of the best 140mm case fans, we have made a list of the top choices. You can read the full descriptions and pick the one that suits your needs.

Corsair LL Series LL140

This Corsair LL Series LL140 fan belongs to the dual loop series. This fan has the best RGB LED controls. This fan has a beautiful look because almost all 16 LEDs are located around the fan's edges. Rubber pads are added to ensure that the fan does not vibrate against the cooler and chassis. This fan can reach 1300 RPM. This speed can be controlled with PWM.

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You can control fan speed

There is very little noise



Noctua NF A14

Noctua is a well-known brand that has provided great products for its customers. The company has launched a new series of fans, with a range from 40 to 140mm case sizes. This product has the best feature of all: it can reach a RPM of 1500, and at that RPM it provides 82.5 CFM. It also maintains a noise level of less than 24db even at its highest speed.


Manufacturer warranty for 6 years

Silicone pads reduce vibrations



Most people don't like the color.

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Moving on

This is the end of our post. We have listed the key factors to consider when choosing the best 140mm case fan. Our top two choices are also included.


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